BayuHerkuncahyo Maintenance Mode (I think its necessary, there is an ext for this, but its a paid ext); Private Messaging (Its usefull, but not a priority since we have a nice ext from Kyrne); Improvement on Text Editor (Not additional feature, but it would be nice if we have new Text Editor/Composer that user friendly -- like a text color picker, choose font, text alignment, etc).
Wadera Improved search engine (especially inside long discussions) Chatbox - really useful to chit-chat and community building (like Hi all - what a wonderful day today!) WIP chat with pusher doesn't work with websocket and this one looks awesome, but it's abandoned 🙁 Improved user management - ability to display all users from specific groups, (example: moderators or admins), audit logs and I know - we have this one, but it should be integrated with core imho (who approve which post, who ban someone etc), It is NOW! THANK YOU!!! mass user filtering and edition (like find all user which isn't login for more than 1 year and have 0 posts and delete or find all users which more than 50 posts and add to separate group),
g7net luceos Improved user security (ip listing, showing relations between users, etc.. ability to disable user if they seem not legit) I think it is useful for me,In fact.
pedrorezende Flarum is amazing, but I think it could be much better with: Solid documentation 😅 Some missing admin features, like users management through the interface WYSIWYG native support on the editors
tankerkiller125 pedrorezende Solid documentation 😅 We are aware of this issue and PRs are ALWAYS welcome to however at this moment our team is currently focused on getting the codebase to stable.
pedrorezende tankerkiller125 I'd really love to help with that. I've been working with Flarum to make few integrations in the past month, so I found out how to extend it very well (also, how to work with almost all of the core HTTP APIs). I'm just feeling drained with all this pandemic scenario, but hope to give back to Flarum with my contribution soon!
huuduy216 WYSIWYG native support on the editors Push notification Better user management Everything else is doped IMO
bodagrave Not hard to tell 😄 advanced user administration for add/edit users via surface gallery built in "unread postings" page By the way: You're all doing a fantastic job with flarum!
katos bodagrave A Gallery is something I am actually considering funding for open source, once I get finances in order, and once my site picks up traction again to make it viable to do so.
Paran0lik 1) eCommerce 2) Private Pricing Plane for users in individual categories 3) Settings for homepage
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