Thanks for the feedback, everyone.
@qrokodial and @kcjpop, I think in the case of multiple categories/tags, we would show one in full, and then hint that there are more to see, with a full list shown in some form on hover. Something like this:
@qrokodial I agree that providing space for extension developers to work with is an important consideration, but I'm adamant that it can't be done at the expense of good default UI. This is one of the challenges I love most!
My general approach is to brainstorm a broad array of real-world use-cases and then design a UI that could accommodate them in the most optimal way. One thing to consider, for example, is that the discussion list is already packed with information, so it might be a good design decision to prevent extensions from adding too much more in order to prevent information overload.
So can we brainstorm — what kinds of things would extensions need to add to the discussions list? Badges and controls already account for a lot of things, so what else?
Once we have a good list, we can then work to see if we can make them fit in nicely with this new layout, and adapt if needed.
(I would start the brainstorm but I have to run right now!)