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Customizing Paths
By default Flarum's directory structure includes a public directory which contains only publicly-accessible files. This is a security best-practice, ensuring that all sensitive source code files are completely inaccessible from the web root.
However, if you wish to host Flarum in a subdirectory (like, or if your host doesn't give you control over your webroot (you're stuck with something like public_html or htdocs), you can set up Flarum without the public directory.
Simply move all the files inside the public directory (including .htaccess) into the directory you want to serve Flarum from. Then edit .htaccess and uncomment lines 9-14 in order to protect sensitive resources. Finally, edit both index.php and the flarum executable, and update the paths in the following lines to reflect your new directory structure:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
'base' => __DIR__,
'public' => __DIR__,
'storage' => __DIR__.'/storage',