Thank you. The address is
The list of installed extensions (with a checkmark) is
Akismet, BBCode, Details, Emoji, English, Flagrow Byōbu, Likes, Lock, Markdown, Markdown Editor, Media Embed, Mentions, Sticky, Subscriptions, Summaries, Suspend, Tags.
(The original intention is that people get everything automatically. I know some call that spam, but we want all members to be aware of all topics, so for now only I plan to create the topics based on what they want and I have to remind them to subscribe or they will miss. For that reason, it is imperative that they get some email notification of all activity. I have since found I had had APPROVAL installed, and that seemed to be the MAIN problem. I uninstalled, but I am not sure users can get notifications of all activity.)
I just got this from Willem De Groot on Free Flarum, which seems to mean all notifications are NOT by email.
ME--> If I send a message (using byōbu extension) to a user, the user does not always get an email notifying them. They have to log in and see their notification. Likewise if I am sending a reply to a discussion thread and I try to tag the user with@user, no email is consistently received.
Willem---> Only for the first notification a mail is sent. Further notifications are only disaplayed on the server when the user logs in. This is intended behavior.
So if that is the case, does this mean that there is no way to make sure a user is informed all all new things? (The main purpose of having a forum where people forget to check)