HasanMerkit Hm, interesting. I cannot reproduce the issue posting the same link but I can see that there is some issue with the code that the post body forms...
data-s9e-mediaembed="twitter" allow="autoplay *" allowfullscreen=""
onload="var c=new MessageChannel;c.port1.onmessage=function(e){style.height=e.data+'px'};contentWindow.postMessage('s9e:init','https://s9e.github.io',[c.port2])"
scrolling="no" all?q="1503033974473760768"" class="hasht"
title="Find posts related to this hashtag"
src="https://s9e.github.io/iframe/2/twitter.min.html <a href=">#1503033974473760768</a>"
Not sure what has happened there. Does the issue remain even if you edit the post?