datitisev 0.2.0 [Flags] Remove flags on spammer's posts when they are hidden Prevent marking users that have the spamblock permission as spammers 0.2.1 Fix access policy allowing spamblock permission for everyone Updating composer require fof/spamblock ^0.2.0
luceos meetdilip it's in use on discuss. It works up to dev-master (nightly) . In fact it's so heavily used by our mods that we patch issues almost immediately.
IanM 0.2.2 Support Flarum beta.13 Requires minimum flarum/core beta.12 Updating composer require fof/spamblock
datitisev volkan28 No. There is no record of which discussions/posts were hidden - restoring all of them could cause previously hidden posts to show publicly.
shaggykiwi Hello there was an error 500 after installing this app on Flarum Beta 14.1. (It worked after installation but the next day the forum wasn't accessible at all) @SychO and @katos helped me to resolve the issue by uninstalling it this extension, and it worked fine again but asked me to report you the issue @karaok Thank you all
karaok shaggykiwi hm, still working here on my test forum 🤔 Can you please share some log files from when you experienced this problem? {flarum}/storage/logs
karaok shaggykiwi this should now be resolved by updating fof/stopforumspam https://discuss.flarum.org/d/17846-friendsofflarum-stopforumspam/44
shaggykiwi karaok I had a maintenance on my sharedhost. I don't know if it's related though. I've replaced the forum name by "flarum" in case https://wetransfer.com/downloads/112d903ea36f59e1248fd366d6701aac20201105101535/df70c7
karaok shaggykiwi thank you for that, seems I forgot to make one change. I'll post back here as soon as I've corrected that. Thanks for reporting 👍️
fakruzaruret IanM Can we change 20 years? I want to prevent user to create e new discussion for 5 days without attaching to another group. How can I do this?
davwheat 1.0.1 Fixes incorrect composer.json syntax which breaks on Flarum's master branch Updating composer require fof/spamblock:"*" php flarum cache:clear