I've been personally been working on a web installer that circumvents the need of composer and ssh. You'll find the last attempt as pr of flarum/flarum.
Release date stable version
luceos So does that mean we don't need to install via command line anymore?
Aesahaettr That hasn't changed.
Is there a timeline on when we won't need command line anymore? I tried getting Namecheap to try to install it and they said they couldn't figure it out.
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Aesahaettr See the first post for the timeline. ?
You can also install it locally and then copy the files to your webserver. Open a new thread if you encounter problems doing so.
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You can install it without logging into ssh with some little tricks , But make sure your hosting grants you shell_exec() function.
First download composer localler from https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
Then Upload composer.phar to outside your public_html folder because flarum installation needs an empty folder,if public_html folder is not empty, make sure you empty it.
Now Create a file called installer.php and put in this
$composerPath = "../composer.phar";
$installerCmd = "php $composerPath create-project flarum/flarum . --stability=beta ";
echo shell_exec($installerCmd);
Save it then call installer.php from your browser ....
If successful, then continue with post installation stuff ,hope it helps someone
dr_success the code the way you did won't work. It requires an empty folder.
You would have to get composer.phar in another directory and then change this:
$installerCmd = "php $composerPath create-project flarum/flarum ~/public_html --stability=beta ";
Simple way to install Flarum beta on any shared hosting
install the flarum on your PC, its very easy in UBUNTU without any issue
When you install it succesfully then RUN it, if its working properly on your PC then its time to ZIP the public_html folder where FLARUM is installed.
Upload the ZIP folder on your hosting server, unzip it on public_html and install it.
Possible issues with these extensions: mbstring, pdo_mysql, openssl, json, gd, dom, fileinfo
Make sure that are installed by your webserver, if not ask them to install it
Sorry! I'm not developer, I just shared my knowledge , how I installed it on my shared lightserver. ?
RahulKumar I wouldn't call that simple. Not to mention, most people run Windows, not Linux.
Although, that is the most common method to installing on shared hosting.
the simplest way will be:
sign up, release nameservers, & enjoy!
but that's a few months out ;-)
Davis Me to use Windows, I installed linux only to test the flarum. Then I uploaded to my shared server and uninstalled Linux (ubuntu) .
People can Also use VM to install Linux on windows, until the release of stable webinstaller
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RahulKumar if you uninstall Ubuntu you will have problems updating
Davis Before uploading to the server, we have to check if it is working properly on localhost. I have tested on Apache, Light server without any problem. I also tested it on some FREE HOSTING SERVERS, yeah it worked. It is beta so it can't be used for commercial purpose, just taste it. Me to installed flarum only for testing.
I'm agree uninstalling Ubuntu may create problem if we want to install extensions or want to do other things. That's why I said to use VM ( Vmware or VirtualBox ) ?
RahulKumar It is beta so it can't be used for commercial purpose
We discourage production usage, not commercial. If you want to use Flarum now, for a commercial or non-commercial site, no one is going to stop you.
sorawitkub Please use the Sandbox tag for tests.
i'm looking for so much~~~!!!!
I'm ready for it . can't wait
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is there any chance of install beta 5 on a shared hosting?
ps. sorry for my english