MikeJones First off a few string issues maybe? And I also can not get to the /admin page It just says "file not found" Update: On further investigation, I can not open any of my discussions either....
TidbitSoftware MikeJones I ran into the same issue last night: Administration -> Extensions -> Enable English (based on your image)
katos MikeJones What error do you get on the admin page buddy? 🙂 The above response from TidbitSoftware should fix the strings.
katos MikeJones What's the contents of your flarum file? EDIT: MikeJones noticed you put the error of ACP in the main post, sorry bud!
MikeJones katos when I try to open flarum file on my server it says I am already editing it. How can I kill all open instances of nano?
katos MikeJones You can use the PID number - find that by putting top in terminal. Once you know the PID of the process you want to kill, run kill -9 <PID>
MikeJones katos so it doesn't show up in top but when I try and edit it in nano it gives me a pid and I try and kill that but nothing happens...
Kyrne MikeJones remove these lines: location /api { try_files $uri $uri/ /api.php?$query_string; } location /admin { try_files $uri $uri/ /admin.php?$query_string; } and that should fix it
MikeJones Kyrne you are the man! www.seekadventure.net is officially running beta 8!! Time to go check which extensions I can re-install!