NikolayIvanov Flarum 16, new installation FoF Pages, not create database! My log: flarum.ERROR: PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'my_db' doesn't exist in /var/www/ /dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/PDOConnection.php:79
clarkwinkelmann NikolayIvanov this error happens when you enable this extension? Can you share the full trace? (numbered lines below the error) my_db does not sound like a real table name. Is it really what the message says? I don't know which extension this would be a part of.
NikolayIvanov It was a problem for me. Probably some corrupted files. I reinstalled Flarum and everything was fine. I had a similar problem with other extensions. Solved 😄
[deleted] I want the pages to be larger, but my css knowledge is not enough. Are there any css codes for that?
Arnold [deleted] if by larger you mean wider, then here's the code .Pages-container { max-width: 1000px; } You can replace 1000px by any value you would like to set.
ink IanM <br /> <b>Warning</b>: Attempt to read property "mentionsUsers" on null in <b>/home/www/</b> on line <b>55</b><br /> <br /> <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Exception\EmitterException: Output has been emitted previously; cannot emit response in /home/www/ Stack trace: #0 /home/www/ Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Exception\EmitterException::forOutputSent() #1 /home/www/ Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter->assertNoPreviousOutput() #2 /home/www/ Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\Emitter\SapiEmitter->emit() #3 /home/www/ Laminas\HttpHandlerRunner\RequestHandlerRunner->run() #4 /home/www/ Flarum\Http\Server->listen() #5 {main} thrown in <b>/home/www/</b> on line <b>24</b><br />
datitisev ink Thanks for bringing this to our attention! Looks like this is caused by the new flarum/mentions system in v1.0.0, and thus I made an issue there. 1.0.1 Temporary patch to avoid issues with post & user mentions on non-post resources introduced with flarum/mentions v1 See flarum/core2902 for more information. This will make all mentions show up as @[deleted] - if you modify existing pages the text will also be converted to @[deleted] and so you'll have to update those mentions once the issue is fixed.
trever-s Hi all, is it possible to change the URL of a FoF page I created? The current URLs are not very clean nor SEO friendly. E.G., my about page is at I would prefer Thanks for your help!
clarkwinkelmann trever-s no that's not an option at this time. I think you might be able to use /p/<slug>, but for a completely custom URL you would have to register a custom page manually using the Flarum extension API.
trever-s Thanks! clarkwinkelmann but for a completely custom URL you would have to register a custom page manually using the Flarum extension API. May I ask you to please point me in the direction of this action? I'm fairly novice. And if I just wanted the slug how do I remove the number?
clarkwinkelmann .htaccess will likely not work correctly for this because when you navigate to the page from inside the single page app it won't use the correct URL. EDIT: if it's just an HTTP redirect it's fine (but maybe not super useful). If it's a transparent internal transparent redirect (no R flag) that's where navigation in the SPA will be broken. trever-s unfortunately I don't know any good example or resource that would explain this. It requires knowing how to create a Flarum extension. The technical explanation for the frontend routes is at
Anonymous43 In a way, yea. But it will give you what you want without going in to core files or extra extensions. You can use RewriteRule. Thats how i have my site set up to load newest topics created. Not ideal, but you do what you gotta do.
trever-s clarkwinkelmann @Anonymous43 Thank you both! Makes sense and appreciate your attention. The Flarum community rocks.