good job
FriendsOfFlarum Links
Nice! I think that now i'm ready to update to Beta 8.
Good job.
One problem I'm running into installing ANY fof extension is composer hanging after I execute the install.
composer require fof/links
Using version ^0.1.1 for fof/links
./composer.json has been updated
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Just stays there, until I break it.
TheyCallMeTojo try running the command with additional verbosity -vvv
Hey, how to properly create internal links, without specifying domain name?
Just installed, works great thanks!
One quick question do the links not show up on mobile?
MikeJones they should be shown in the sidebar on the homepage
matteocontrini I see it now above the search bar! Thanks!
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- Add
class and style internal links when they are active, thanks @clarkwinkelmann (FriendsOfFlarum/links#5)
composer require fof/links ^0.2.0
datitisev by the way, you tagged a new major version (in the 0.x
line, 0.2.0
is major), so composer require
will be required to update to this version
PS: I noticed afterwards that the active links feature doesn't work if your forum is installed in a subfolder. I'll try to come up with a fix, in the meantime the links will just never be active on such forums
Maybe in next update, we can add font awesome icons inside of the extension like a tags?
tolgaaaltas Do you mean include icons with the links ?
- Edited
datitisev Yes, like a tags with extra fields for font awesome.
Edit: @datitisev I mean this:
tolgaaaltas That image returns 403 forbidden, I can't see it :/
- Edited
datitisev you can see here:!Ak9NTpwE2VCmm444KO0DUNZrkBPMvA?e=S1rmNO
Left side, tags extension. Right side links extension. I want to similar feature in Links extension, sure if it's possible.
When this plug-in is enabled in beta 9 localhost, it gives a "Oops! Something went wrong. Please reload the page and try again." error.