Hey! I just set up my Flarum forum and sent it to a few people to try out as users. It seems only admin can post? I've double checked all the settings I can find and it seems to be in order. Starting new discussions, replying, etc is all set to member. Is there something I'm missing?

    5 years later


    Yeah that's what I'm thinking too.

    While so far I haven't found whatever answer @GoldenLassoGirl dug up either.

    However I seem to be experiencing an issue which I'd describe exactly as GoldenLassoGirl has titled this thread.

    A member of asylum.flarum.cloud contacted me this morning inquiring as to why they can no longer create discussions.

    I used a test account to confirm this is currently the case.

    As of the moment I have gone over the permission settings several times.

    Unfortunately I have been unable to discern whatever may be inhibiting members discussion creations.

    (example: creation permissions section)

      User31 You don't have to have separate permissions on every tag just the ones like say only staff can start discussions.


        Yeah man, that is precisely what I'm trying to achieve here too.

        (example: tags section)

        •Edit; to add: 😅 I'm missing something aren't I?

          User31 I’ll register on your site if you want and you can give me Admin privileges to take a look.

          Edit: I noticed that if you click on the one tag the Start New Discussion button works but when on the main page it says you can't start new discussion. It has to be a permission setting.


            Hey I would like to thank you for your assistance with this yesterday and also for pointing out that members could still post from within tag categories, which I hadn't even noticed at all.

            It's thanks to you that I ended up taking another look over the permissions settings and although still couldn't figure out exactly what the issue was, I decided to simply disregard the 2 author groups & the admin group tags permissions altogether. Once I did that the main page discussion option became re-enabled and so more or less has resolved that unexpected issue.

            Frankly I have a nagging suspicion that either some of the CSS codes I've added &/or possibly one or more of the extensions I'm currently using, may be causing minor technical problems—however I'm not too concerned about this right now as my plan is basically to do as much as I can by myself in order to forcibly learn, before then jumping onboard with Flarum's managed services.

            😂Omg, last night I checked and confirmed that members were once again able to start discussions from the main page....

            ...but now apparently they can't again.

            I just tried with a new account and I can only create new discussions from within categories. While the main page create discussion icon seems to be disabled.

            Edit, to add: one of the Asylum members is a high functioning severely autistic individual who is a little upset with me because of this....😅I think he thinks I'm disabling it on purpose.

            2nd Edit, to add: apparently only I can start new discussions. While I've got two members complaining that they are able to go into the categories to begin creating new discussions—but then they get a ["You don't have permission"] notice when they try to post their new discussions...?
            I'm really not sure what to do.
            I mean, I've tried methodically disabling each extension, repeatedly changing the permissions, deleting all except the main 4 members groups, etc... yet nothing seems to help.

            Any suggestions?

            Edit: Is the permission for [Bypass Tag Requirements] supposed to be set to [Members] or [Admin] ???

            I'd assume the point of setting tag requirements is so that members can't just freely use any tags or alternatively no tags at all?

            So then the bypass tags permission should be set to [Admins] &/or [Mods] only—and not for [Members] right?

            Or have I got this wrong?

            Because I've just changed the tag bypass permission from [Admin] to [Members] and now members can create new discussions from the main page again....(¿?)

            Is that supposed to happen?

            (*Note: Haven't yet tested to make sure members can actually post new discussions.)

              User31 Edit: Is the permission for [Bypass Tag Requirements] supposed to be set to [Members] or [Admin] ???

              Never set the bypass to members. They will be able to post in any tags and any amount of tags at once.

              User31 I'd assume the point of setting tag requirements is so that members can't just freely use any tags or alternatively no tags at all?

              Yes, but maybe the permissions are clashing, that's what I think.

              Tag permissions need to be configured from Lenient to Strict. Let me explain.

              • Your global permissions will apply to all the tags for which you don't specify different permissions. This is probably also the reason your "start discussion" button is disabled. I'm assuming your global permission is too strict.
              • Define the global permissions to a generic default. Members can create discussions, members can post. Mods moderate etc. Make sure this is how you want most of your tags to work.
              • Now only add the tags that are an exception to this. For instance Discuss (this community) has a tag "Staff", for this tag we defined that only the group "Staff" can view Discussions, create discussions and view. Especially the first permission "view discussions" is important because it ensures no one else can see the tag.

              If you button is still disabled after this, then there might be something wrong. First, always try clearing your cache. Secondly, when reporting about issues you have, always post your php flarum info, also when the collection of extensions you use has changed; this gives us the best information on what your community is configured with.

                😂Gott dangit! I think I have finally figured out what the damned issue was.

                I think it's related to the Tags.

                Best I can ascertain at the moment is that the [Primary Tags] nested [Secondary Tags] -aren't actually considered secondary tags at all but rather [Sub-Primary Tags] or something.

                And there's an entirely separate section specifically regarded as [Secondary Tags] -buttwich... or ahhh, I mean, but which can't be set in any hierarchy nor nested in.

                So basically I was trying to set it with members required to select ×1 [Primary Tag #1] along with ×1 [Sub-Primary Tag #1], except I seem to have mistakenly assumed the nested [Sub-Primary Tags] were simply [Secondary Tags], ie:

                •Primary Tags Required = [1] to [1]
                •Secondary Tags Required = [1] to [1]

                [Primary Tag #1]------------------(Members)
                ->[Sub-Primary Tag #1(a)]
                ->[Sub-Primary Tag #1(b)]
                ->[Sub-Primary Tag #1(c)]
                ->[Sub-Primary Tag #1(d)]
                [Primary Tag #2] ---------------(Admin only)
                ->[Sub-Primary Tag #2(a)]
                ->[Sub-Primary Tag #2(b)]
                ->[Sub-Primary Tag #2(c)]

                Yet the [Secondary Tags] section is below that and in my case doesn't even have any secondary tags yet, thus is likely therefore why members weren't able to create new discussions...because no secondaries existed.

                Additionally for others future reference, there currently is no clarification about this provided within the Tags extension to highlight & explain such an unusual manner of categorization.

                The fact is that I only realized all this after eventually stumbling into a thread here while thinking I was looking for a completely different answer.

                Don't get me wrong though. This isn't complaining. This is frank and constructive feedback.

                If the intention is to entice & attract customers to Flarum by freely providing the basic Flarum system along with a number of non-premium free extensions, then these free extensions should be of a reasonable standard which doesn't unintentionally lead to significant confusion & frustration simply by lacking basic clear explanations & instructions, such as: Nested [Sub-Primary Tags] are not [Secondary Tags]. 👈 Adding just this one sentence alone is pretty much all that needs to be done with the Tags extension in order to rectify this minor niggling oversight, an oversight that otherwise has the potential for creating massive headaches. I mean...😂bloody'ell, I just spent two days tearing my forum apart because of this.


                Oh yeah nah I do understand how permissions work.

                The Tags were the problem on this case.

                One thing I still don't understand is what this [php flarum info] refers to...?
                I'm under the impression it's probably technical stuff, but I haven't got a clue what or where it is aye.

                  User31 php flarum info is a command that can be run via SSH/terminal in the root of your Flarum installation. The output of this command will show important information about the application that is generally used for troubleshooting:

                  $ php flarum info
                  Flarum core: 1.8.5
                  PHP version: 8.1.10
                  MySQL version: 8.0.30
                  Loaded extensions: Core, bcmath, calendar, ctype, date, filter, hash, iconv, jso
                  n, SPL, pcre, readline, Reflection, session, standard, mysqlnd, tokenizer, zip,
                  zlib, libxml, dom, PDO, openssl, SimpleXML, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, curl, fil
                  einfo, gd, intl, mbstring, exif, mysqli, Phar, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite,
                   sqlite3, xsl
                  | Flarum Extensions             |          |
                  | ID                            | Version  | Commit
                  | flarum-flags                  | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-approval               | v1.8.1   |
                  | flarum-tags                   | v1.8.0   |
                  | miniflar-admin-notepad-widget | dev-main | 75fa5b18107e44ec5c2b904a359dca57b77
                  b661e |
                  | fof-nightmode                 | 1.5.3    |
                  | flarum-suspend                | v1.8.1   |
                  | flarum-subscriptions          | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-sticky                 | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-statistics             | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-mentions               | v1.8.3   |
                  | flarum-markdown               | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-lock                   | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-likes                  | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-lang-english           | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-emoji                  | v1.8.0   |
                  | flarum-bbcode                 | v1.8.0   |
                  Base URL: https://flarumdev.test
                  Installation path: C:\laragon\www\flarumdev
                  Queue driver: sync
                  Session driver: file
                  Mail driver: mail

                  Feel free to ask any questions if you're unsure about any features or pretty much anything related to Flarum. We're always here to help! 🙂 (my PM Inbox is always open as well(