Solution worked for me to migrate from Beta 7 to Beta 8.
- Make sure you have PHP 7.1+(with extensions..)
- MySQL 5.6+
- Apache (with mod_rewrite)
1 - Disable all third-party extensions
2 - Rename Beta 7 folder to ForumBeta7_Backup
3 - Create new folder ForumBeta8
4 - install fresh Flarum inside ForumBeta8 (composer create-project flarum/flarum . --stability=beta)
5 - Copy config.php from ForumBeta7_Backup to ForumBeta8
6 - Copy assets folder from ForumBeta7_Backup to ForumBeta8/public
7 - Make sure that all tables are InnoDB ( ALTER TABLE my-table-name
8 - run "php flarum migrate" and "php flarum cache:clear"
9 - Change in config.php 'url' => '' To 'url' => ''
10 - Its all, now add third-party extensions you need.
Thank all for your help 😃