Honya Which version of php are you using? It looks like the typical .php extension runs PHP 5.3, which is too low for Flarum's requirements. That could be the issue here.

On my hand, I use php 5.6.
For the access to Apache error logs, I asked by mail to my hoster.

Thanks for your help !

Honya FYI, in the future, start a new thread and link to the one that has similar issues. There could be two different reasons why you're both having the same problem, and it's easier to work with you one-on-one.

@Trailou I registered in http://www.tracedetrail.com/forum2/flarum/ and got a wrong confirmation url.
As you can see it has an extra `.´before .com

    santiagobiali Strange... I've just created an account and this is the confirmation mail :

    Hey test!

    Someone (hopefully you!) has signed up to Trace de Trail - Le forum with this email address.

    If this was you, simply click the following link and your account will be activated:

    If you did not sign up, please ignore this email.

    I checked my config file and the url is ok.

      santiagobiali Trailou hmm ditto

       Hey test25!
      Someone (hopefully you!) has signed up to Trace de Trail - Le forum with this email address.
      If this was you, simply click the following link and your account will be activated:
      If you did not sign up, please ignore this email.

        Trailou And I tried without ssh :

        Suddenly that part makes a lot more sense 😉

        You mean https, not ssh 😉

        Trailou what does your config.php file say?

          'url' => 'https://www.domain.tld',

        I tried

        'url' => 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'],

        according to @santiagobiali advice but no luck.

        Here is my config.php :

        <?php return array (
        'debug' => true,
        'database' =>
        array (
        'driver' => 'mysql',
        'host' => 'db6116555.db.1and1.com',
        'database' => 'database',
        'username' => 'username',
        'password' => 'password',
        'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
        'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci',
        'prefix' => '',
        'strict' => false,
        'url' => 'https://www.tracedetrail.com/forum/flarum',
        'paths' =>
        array (
        'api' => 'api',
        'admin' => 'admin',

          @Kulga No answer yet from my hoster...

          I also tried to install flarum in the root of my webspace in a forum directory. I create a subdomain forum.tracedetrail.com for that.
          After installing composer project, I get this error :

          Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'finally' (T_STRING), expecting catch (T_CATCH) in /homepages/6/d296193771/htdocs/forum/flarum/vendor/flarum/core/src/Foundation/Application.php on line 119

          when I go to this web page http://forum.tracedetrail.com/forum/flarum/ to finish installation.

          Thank you again for your help !

            @luceos You're right, by default, my hoster put the v 5.4 for this subdomain ! I'ts corrected...

              The installation is ok, but same issue when I start a discussion :-(

              POST discussions 401 Unauthorized forum.tracedetrail.com