Hello developers,
For some reasons the Google fonts API is not available in China mainland, which seriously slows down the website.
Currently I commented out this line and then add some font style in custom css section for a workaround.
I know this is not suitable to request a feature for something so specific, however this could be extend to a generic feature, to easily integrate with many CDN providers and speed up the website.
Firstly, the ability to edit and update style sheets and insert HTML/JavaScript code in admin panel, just like WordPress allows much more customization for a theme, but do store as another user-modified style sheet so changes would not be overwritten by theme updates.
And, a option to set static files URL prefix. This prefix could be a CDN address, like MaxCDN, CloudFront or KeyCDN service URL, so that all static files including scripts, styles, avatar images, will be loaded directly from CDN cache. This could reduce requests to host machine, and significantly decrease loading time.
Of course, those features can be implemented via extensions as well 😃