FriendsOfFlarum Share Social
clarkwinkelmann That's right. No 404 error message if debug mode is off .
But I have an other issue :
- My flarum instance is a private one (need to be connected to see messages)
- When somebody select the link, he is redirected to login page and after login, to the homepage
- Even if I select "stay connected" checkbox at the login and after that retry to follow the link, I still have the login page
So seems impossible to correctly share a link to a discussion. Am I wrong?
Th0mC so if I understand correctly, the issue isn't actually with Share Social ?
The issue is that the social network can't visit the link because it's private.
It's also true that Flarum doesn't allow to connect and stay on the same page when visiting a private discussion. The interface always assumes the discussion doesn't exist and you have to visit the homepage to login. An extension could replace the discussion 404 page with a different page that allows login.
In fact, as you said Flarum always assume the discussion doesn't exist. And this is an issue for me because I'm loosing lot of users between facebook and my Flarum instance.
I already changed the 404 page to have a link to login page and explain my users they should select "keep connected" checkbox and retry to follow the link.
An I had some hope with this extension to improve my user experience.
- I thought that it would post a snippet of the discussion shared (at least the title) but it is not the case, only the title of the flarum instance. Don't know if it could be better
- Making some tests, I discovered that my advice to my user is wrong. The facebook internal browser (on iOS at least) never keep the cookie and you can follow the link and login various time, you will never succeed to see the discussion.
Don't know if there is any other possibility to improve facebook (private group)-->flarum (private) link following
Th0mC your use case makes perfect sense. Unfortunately this extension won't help. A custom extension could definitely solve your use case.
Maybe an extension like could be useful. Maybe one like "see-past-title"
Definitively have to look into that. thanks!
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The extension is nice, it adds easy to share things but currently if you share the post it's preview image does not tell anything about it. Because of this a lot of people would not click the post and advertising is also harder. So I was hoping there could be added a option where we could change the preview image for specific post. Maybe system like this one: where it uses first image in the post for it. But this would not be the best solution because most of the post would need to have a quality hd image in it and would just make whole thing ugly. So a new system where you could upload (maybe with help from upload extension) or put image url in some window, that would update the meta tags with new image would be the best. So with that sharing could become so much more functionally.
BigMinnie we have purposefully removed all SEO code from this extension as explained in the README:
FriendsOfFlarum The meta tags have been removed from the extension, as alternatives such as @JasperVriends's Flarum SEO extension exist.
clarkwinkelmann Oh ok I'm blind, thanks, just moved it to the SEO extension page.
whole link isn't shared.
twitter, facebook, reddit have this behavior, I have not checked others
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r4nchy if you're referring to the slug not being included after the discussion ID, that's intentional.
I think the reason for doing it like that is that it acts as a kind of link shortener.
The link should work fine even when the slug isn't included, Flarum will automatically expend it when clicked.
If you're referring to no post number at the end of the URL, that extension doesn't have the ability to share links to specific posts/page, it always shares the discussion itself.
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clarkwinkelmann yes I was talking about discussion url slug, not the specific post.
it won't cause any issues in the future, right? if there is some kind of extension that blocks that feature of expanding url slug.
the discussion links get directly embedded in Facebook and Twitter, so what is the use of shortened link
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The link has basically been slug-less since the first version of this extension in 2016.
I created an issue to discuss the change FriendsOfFlarum/share-social13
I do think it would make sense to share the full canonical URL with Facebook and Twitter since they visually truncate long links anyway and don't have character limits on URLs. However increasing the character count could have an impact on the other social networks we currently support.
EDIT: I forgot to actually answer your last question. Right now Flarum officially supports linking to just the discussion ID and there's no plan to change it. It's used widely by extension developers to link their extension discussion threads, and we also occasionally shorten our own links on this forum by omitting the slugs. So there's no worries to have, the ability to link with either a slug or no slug is not going away anytime soon.
How can we add WhatsApp and Viber sharing button?
[deleted] you can't add new networks without editing the extension. PRs for additional popular networks are welcome!
Did some one try Navigator.share() ? I tried to add this feature with codes from flarum-pwa but failed. (Doesn't complie) It will be great if this extension has this feature.
automatically add "tags" as "hashtags" while sharing in twitter
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evaleries I apologize. Most members of FoF are also part of the Flarum team, and we're currently focused on beta 14.
I'll look at open PRs when updating extensions for beta 14
Edit: or if I remember I can quickly merge the current PRs that only add new services, and make it extensible in some future release.
On Mobile can we get it to open the facebook app instead of the webpage if the app in installed?