It adds extra /flarum to the link while sharing.
FriendsOfFlarum Share Social
DursunCan you're right. The extension doesn't work correctly with subfolder installs. This isn't new. I just tested on beta 13 and it happens as well.
I created a GitHub issue for it FriendsOfFlarum/share-social16
- Flarum beta 15 support
IanM FriendsOfFlarum/share-social16 Can you fix this error?
Does anyone can use fof/share-social extension. I used at beta13. But now I couldn't use at beta 15.I installed.But there is no item to share
fatihaysel Did you enable the options in the extension's settings?
of course , I activated
its according the another extension issue, I disable broken ext now it works
This is a good plugin.
I wish I knew how to fix this to help the team correct this faster. Let's hope someone from FoF team has a look at this.
@datitisev can you update it for beta 16, please?
Gatsu I have this too in and works
Justoverclock On extiverse it still marks not compatible. Good to know, thanks.
Justoverclock How do you force to run extensions that are flagged incompatible?
Scolasticus no, it works without any force
Nobody from FoF has tested the extension on beta 16 yet, but from a quick look it should still work and Composer shouldn't prevent you from installing it.
Due to choices made by Extiverse, it won't appear there until we update Flarum's deprecations from b15 to b16 and tag a new release.
Version 0.3.1
- Updated Flarum beta 16 deprecated code
Previous version was already compatible with Flarum beta 16.
Does it work with FoF blog?
- Fix incorrect share URL on subfolder installs FriendsOfFlarum/share-social16 ( DursunCan SanketDube)
- Add option to use short or canonical URLs FriendsOfFlarum/share-social13
- Update for Flarum 1.0
Note: This version is for Flarum v1.0 and above only
composer require fof/share-social:"*"
php flarum cache:clear
- Edited
IanM FriendsOfFlarum/share-social22
Feature Request
please add WhatsApp, Telegram sharing options & copy link to clipboard feature.
WhatsApp example code :
Telegram example code :