clarkwinkelmann Version 0.3.1 Updated Flarum beta 16 deprecated code Previous version was already compatible with Flarum beta 16.
IanM 1.0.0 Fix incorrect share URL on subfolder installs FriendsOfFlarum/share-social16 ( DursunCan SanketDube) Add option to use short or canonical URLs FriendsOfFlarum/share-social13 Update for Flarum 1.0 Note: This version is for Flarum v1.0 and above only Installation composer require fof/share-social:"*" php flarum cache:clear
Hari IanM FriendsOfFlarum/share-social22 Feature Request please add WhatsApp, Telegram sharing options & copy link to clipboard feature. WhatsApp example code : Telegram example code :
IanM Hari both WhatsApp and telegram are already supported by this extension! Copy to clipboard is possible in a future feature update
Hari IanM FriendsOfFlarum/share-social9 yeah, i have come to know after reading this. please updated first post description of this discussion . Supported sharing options WhatsApp Telegram Facebook Twitter Reddit Linked VK Odnoklassniki MyWorld
gamefans IanM Dear Admin , can we add share on WeChat and Copy link to this extension ? That will be better(now is alreay great)
datitisev 1.1.0 Update to Webpack 5 - requires flarum v1.2 Add native share option that uses the browser/system share window This way users don't need this extension to support a specific provider to share with it Fix Whatsapp sharing I also updated the images in the first post that lists the providers (they may take a bit to propagate).
gnfb Before I look further "switching it on" for use with free flarum switcing the facebook and twitter on should I presume show links somewhere on the forum . Is that correct? Is it still working with free flarum it is in the list of features.
clarkwinkelmann gnfb I believe the links to share appear below "Reply" and "Follow" in the right sidebar on the discussion page. You should be able to quickly verify if it works as you expect after enabling it. Let us know if there's any issue!
poVoq Maybe this could be used as a guidance to add Mastodon support?
IanM 1.1.2 Update by @huijiewei in FriendsOfFlarum/share-social33 Allow copying discussion url on ShareModal by @datlechin in FriendsOfFlarum/share-social30 Updating composer update fof/share-social php flarum cache:clear
ernestdefoe For some reason when using a light colored style the text doesn't show up when the modal pops up but when I switch to dark colors (using FoF Nightmode) it shows the text fine. What can be going on with this?
datitisev ernestdefoe The text color of the buttons should be white (#fff) regardless of whether dark theme is enabled or not. It works fine for me locally.
ernestdefoe datitisev well it may work fine for you but unless I’m going to click on one of them it doesn’t show me anything on a light colored theme. Everything is white when on light theme but again shows fine on a dark colored theme.
datitisev ernestdefoe What version are you on? Do the button backgrounds appear as the main color of the share service?