Fealist thanks for testing and letting me know, i will start using it in a few days. you should also add @googlemail.com as it's also widely used in countries like Russia. it is a big story but i see significant users using this domain. let say if my email id is jhonwick@gmail.com we can also register using jhonwick@googlemail.com both mail ids are linked to the same box.
and outlook offers a lot of domains like mail@outlook.com outlook.in, .ie once go through their list, mail.ru is also very famous you should consider adding them. my uncle still uses Rediff mail and yahoo.co.in yahoo.ca ..etc .. keep an eye on them too
i have nearly 10 alias linked to my outlook account example jhon@outlook.com jhon@outlook.ie .. i did that just to make user no one uses my name@domain (why not when it's free) 😋
Fealist we see a lot of haters trying to register and try bullying, spread hate speech so in my case using a social account would definitely hold them back and I don't mind losing users in this scenario.
could you share a screenshot of the email whitelist extension admin dashboard? 🧐