Mtechnik thank you for your assistance, please be aware that the suggestions you've given are very specific for your own situation. For instance the php.ini you shared mentions php modules not commonly available/installed on a webserver, using the ini would break almost any server.
Also I've moderated the link, such an off-site resource might be used to exploit whole servers at once. I have no fear you have the best interest at heart, but that can't be said for everyone.
Another piece of feedback I'd like to give; of all php versions 7 and 5.6 are referred to as stable, 5.5 is an "old" stable. Suggesting 5.5 over 5.6 doesn't make sense, also see:
The reason for me to put this message out here is that not everyone is so experienced as you and might take up your advice without second thought. Your expert consult therefor should be accurate.