nitaaikumar datitisev No, the Subscribed one is fixed and full content is seen. But 0.3.3 did not fix the Follow Tags no content seen in emails of new discussions.
datitisev 0.3.4 Fix issue with first post content not appearing in email Updating composer require fof/follow-tags
clarkwinkelmann fromsly make sure you run the command inside the Flarum folder (the one containing composer.json)
datitisev therealsujitk Can you give more information on your environment, perhaps tag permissions, and if you tested with a child tag of the lurked tag that is not set to lurking? I can't remember how I handle child tags, so it might affect it.
therealsujitk datitisev Child tags work perfectly. Lurking says it will notify you of all discussions and replies. It notifies on new discussions, but not new replies.
therealsujitk datitisev Yes it's enabled. It should work if I select lurking in a particular tag but don't follow that discussion right?
datitisev therealsujitk Yep, following discussions in followed tags will just create duplicate notifications, I think.
clarkwinkelmann Huaxia if you're asking about translations, FriendsOfFlarum only includes English. We leave translations for language pack maintainers.
Yalfoosh Are there any plans of making discussions whose tags are followed via this extension appear in the Following page?
datitisev Yalfoosh I think luceos suggested it at one point, so it may be added in the future. Or something similar.
Yalfoosh datitisev Oh, if it's not being worked on maybe I'll work on a PR next week, it's kind of a big deal for my community 😅