Hi Everyone - Stumbled upon Flarum this week. Just love what you guys have built.
Is Flarum stable enough to be deployed at a large enterprise which expects 100K concurrent community users? We are currently considering Lithium & Vanilla Forums
Is Flarum Stable enough for an Enterprise deployment?
kono these companies think so https://builtwithflarum.com/
Flarum's official response to that question is the warning at the top of https://flarum.org/docs/install.html
Also see the many other discussions with the same title as yours on this forum
clarkwinkelmann Wow, I saw my website and it is very close to the top! ! !
@kono @clarkwinkelmann starting a #metoo revolution !
Flarum is easily the best forum software around, coupled with outstanding support. Use it, love it, support it....you get the idea.
@Leanna Sadly, my own site didn't seem to make the list :-(
I want to import 10 million data tests into one of my test servers these days. My other officially operated website already has 1 million data. Flarum is used and it feels very fast!
- Edited
kono thanks for our chat on Discord.
To summarize a few of the things I said:
Giffgaff is migrating away from Lithium to Flarum. Key figure include 14.3 million posts (others are mentioned in the linked discussion).
Alex Weekes, giffgaff Community Platform Manager:
You may have noticed that we’ve not been referring to the new platform as Vanilla for a while. That’s been deliberate; for a variety of reasons, we’ve mutually agreed to part ways. Vanilla’s core product is an impressive forum platform, however we were unable to find a workable compromise between our differing ways of working that would accommodate giffgaff’s unique requirements.
The one thing I can share about why we are not moving forward with Vanilla is something that applies to all 'commercial with a proven track record' community platforms. That is that they lack the flexibility to allow us to efficiently develop and maintain our own custom solutions, largely because we would always be tied to a core code base that we do not own, and tied to a database that we do not own.
Flarum's out of the box visuals are intentionally very simple and lightweight. It is a relatively trivial thing to do to make changes to the look and feel. What's more important to us at this point is to gather some feedback on features - there's a number of very cool things that Flarum has that won't jump out at you on a simple browse.
Flarum is one of those "robust code, smaller feature set" betas. More accurately, it's one of those beta products where there is still a potential for a major change in some of the underlying structure. That's not a problem for us, however, as we're already aware of the structural change that's proposed and we're providing input on that. And, we'll have full control over when (or even if) we accept that change into our own version of the code.
Read more here: https://community.giffgaff.com/t5/New-Community-Platform/What-s-happening-with-the-new-community-platform/m-p/23254844/highlight/true#M827
There are plenty of other showcases, some of which are already in production, including:
- https://webdeveloper.com with over 1.4 million posts owned by BuySellAds.
- https://together.bunq.com owned by a successful Dutch fintech.
- https://bokt.nl - my employer - in the process of migrating over 100 million posts while keeping current phpBB and new Flarum installation in sync to allow for easier community adoption.
Hi kono We know both platforms very well (we have 3 Flarum Communities in production and 3-4 Lithium/Khoros we develop for) so it really depends what you are looking for. I would not worry about 100k Users. The performance, speed and the UI of Flarum are awesome. Also the feature set is growing every day and you are very flexible in what you can do. Khoros/Lithium could be a good choice if you plan to manage the community within a large organization with a lot of moderators, several stakeholders that have a role within the community and if you need an advanced workflow (assign cases, approval etc.). Also if you plan to combine social channels and community it may be an option. All this can be build (not yet there) on Flarum as well ;-)