Mand dorianleven Hi, I have an issue that doesn't appear on a local machine. The amount of upvotes is always zero in a discussion list but correct inside discussions. If I return back clicking on the parent tag it shows upvotes correctly but after the page reloaded returns to zero. I have the same issue on a live, fresh install of Flarum. Upvotes don't show on the list (user logged in and logged out) and ordering by upvotes doesn't work. I can only see the number of upvotes on each individual discussion. Is this extension also incompatible with current Flarum version?
Mand hi @IanM would you be able to confirm if this extension is no longer maintained please? I can't find a way to show the votes on the main list of discussions only by going to an individual discussion.
GreXXL Mand all @FriendsOfFlarum extensions are still maintained. This in not only Ian but a whole team providing awesome extensions as open source free to use. It would be good if you follow the troubleshooting guide to help you find a solution.
Mand GreXXL thanks but not sure I understand, are you saying this extension should work and the issue is 100% on my end? Or are you saying you don't know if the extension is working as it should so you are asking me to find out?
luceos Mand extensions from the Friends of Flarum are well maintained, but also widely used. In fact this community also uses Gamification, but hasn't enabled "Show total votes of original post on discussions list". Can you confirm in your admin area that you have enabled this option under the Gamification extensions page?
Mand luceos thanks, yes, I can confirm "Show total votes of original post on discussions list" is/was enabled.
Mand luceos Yes, cache cleared just now again. Other settings: Edit: Flarum and browser cache cleared.
dinapolis luceos Mand this bug was reported in the gamification github FriendsOfFlarum/gamification121
Mand luceos thanks but I don't know what that means, could you please expand on what's missing and how I can solve this? thanks
luceos Mand this needs to be solved by the maintainer, or contributed to the extension for it to get fixed, see FriendsOfFlarum/gamification121
MediaMaquina Is it possible to show dislikes? For example: If a discussion has 5 likes and someone dislike it instead of showing "4" it would show: 5 likes 1 dislike thanks!
HD3D IanM I have around 555k discussions and 445k users with thousands of likes but this extension converts only 2 previous likes Already did both below: no effect php flarum fof:gamification:resync php flarum fof:gamification:resyncUsers