tpokorra Can you please add a separate option to set email addresses for post revision/editing? I want to use it for a similar purpose as you but it will be too much for my members to receive emails even for post edits. So I can set only admin and mod emails for post edits whereas all interested members for new posts. Also do posts which go on approval also get sent, which will be good? Thanks so much.

    sanwhere nitaaikumar: Thank you for your feedback!

    I have now implemented solutions for both your situations.
    I hope the upgrade from previous versions of the extension will be smoothless.
    Please let me know if you find any issues.

    The latest version of the extension is now 0.3.4

      tpokorra Oh thank so much. So quick and perfect. What is present behavior for posts going to the approval queue in your extension? Will post replies and first posts in a discussion which are not directly published but go in the approval queue also be sent to the emails set? That would be a problem because all the emails set won't be of admins, they may be of normal users too like you are using. I think best would be if you can make one more separate field for these two type of posts which go into approval queue and allow them to be sent to the emails set in the first two new discussions and new posts options only after they are approved? That would be so kind of you if you can add this too. Because the Subscribed Extension approval emails for new post replies were not coming when Follow Tags Extension was active so I had to disable Follow Tags. If you add this approval option too, then I can give the option to the users to use Follow Tags also and still get my approval emails so I can approve faster. Thanks so much in advance.

        You are welcome nitaaikumar! I like flarum, and I am thankful for all the work the core team provide, and I am happy if I can give something little back to the community.

        I never thought about approval. I tested it now, and the notifications were never sent, neither when they were saved for the first time, nor after they got approved.
        I have implemented both situations now: when approval is switched on, and the post gets saved, you can define moderator email addresses that will receive the notification. When the post/discussion gets approved, it works now with the default notification.

        The latest version of the extension is now 0.3.5

        Please let me know if you still find issues.

          tpokorra Thanks so much again. I upgraded to 0.3.5. But still can't see the field in the settings were I can define the moderator email addresses which will receive the notification when a post or discussion goes for approval. They seem to be the same as before. Maybe I am missing something? Thanks.

            nitaaikumar Perhaps you need to clear the cache?

            php flarum cache:clear

            Or do an F5 or Ctrl-F5 to reload the javascript in your browser?
            I have updated the screenshot in the first post of this discussion, this setting for the approval notification is at the very top.

              tpokorra Thanks I see it now after clearing cache. Now a user can't post. It gives that red box at the bottom and the following error in the javascript console. A user can post if I disable the extension though. I am using the Amazon php API and Amazon SES to send emails in the email settings. Maybe it is clashing?

              VM43:1 POST 500
              (anonymous)	@	VM43:1
              (anonymous)	@	mithril.js:2191
              (anonymous)	@	mithril.js:2199
              m.request	@	mithril.js:2288
              e.request	@	Application.js:300
    	@	Model.js:160
              n.onsubmit	@	ReplyComposer.js:82
              n.onsubmit	@	TextEditor.js:182
              L.t.<computed>	@	mithril.js:1286

              ;!function(){function e(t,e){return"function"!=typeof t||t.replaced?t:(e.replaced=!0,e)}var n,r,o,u=0;if("undefined"!=typeof CustomEvent&&"function"==typeof window.dispatchEvent){function s(t){try{if("object"==typeof t&&(t=JSON.stringify(t)),"string"==typeof t)return window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("lprequeststart",{detail:{data:t,requestID:++u}})),u}catch(t){}}function c(t){try{window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("lprequestend",{detail:t}))}catch(t){}}"undefined"!=typeof XMLHttpRequest&&XMLHttpRequest.prototype&&XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send&&(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send=e(XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send,(o=XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send,function(t){var e=this,n=s(t);return n&&e.addEventListener("loadend",function(){c({requestID:n,statusCode:e.status})}),o.apply(e,arguments)}))),"function"==typeof fetch&&(fetch=e(fetch,(r=fetch,function(t,e){var n=s(e),o=r.apply(this,arguments);if(n){function u(t){c({requestID:n,statusCode:t&&t.status})}o.then(u).catch(u)}return o})));function i(t){return e(t,function(){try{this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("lpsubmit"))}catch(t){}return t.apply(this,arguments)})}function t(){if(document&&document.forms&&0<document.forms.length)for(var t=0;t<document.forms.length;++t)document.forms[t].submit=i(document.forms[t].submit)}document&&"interactive"===document.readyState||"complete"===document.readyState?t():window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",t,!0),Document.prototype.createElement=e(Document.prototype.createElement,(n=Document.prototype.createElement,function(){var t=n.apply(this,arguments);return t&&"FORM"===t.nodeName&&t.submit&&(t.submit=i(t.submit)),t}))}}();

                tpokorra perfect!

                also i would love to choose which settings going to be available.
                i needed to empty the fields if i don't want to use it.

                  sanwhere I have removed the default values, and made the setting fields non-required. I hope this works for you.

                  Latest release is now 0.3.6

                    a month later

                    After the plug-in email address is set, but cannot post discussions, and it will prompt "opps, an error occurred."
                    But can reply published discussions smoothly

                    6 days later

                    @Littlegolden Can you give any error message from the log file, eg. storage/logs/flarum.log?
                    That would help me to reproduce the issue.

                      18 days later

                      Is it possible to specify a time (example 48h), which triggers an email after this time has elapsed with a reminder that there has been no reply to the post? This email should go to the moderators / admins.

                        That sounds like a good idea.

                        Would that only be for the first post of a discussion? Or do you need a reply for each post?

                        I wonder how to trigger that? Is there a cronjob in Flarum, or general event whenever a page is requested? Perhaps it would work if the discussion is read, that I listen to that event. The event would be:

                        Would you be able to prepare a Pull Request for, or would you consider sponsoring this feature? I realized I cannot do such work for free anymore.

                          2 months later

                          @tpokorra please update to support beta12! I can't update Flarum because composer requirements of the extension block it.

                          @maicol07 I have now updated the plugin. Please let me know if you find any issues.

                          Latest release is now 0.3.7-beta.12

                          3 months later