clarkwinkelmann TOWUK please stick to English outside of language pack discussions as per our guidelines.
NikoVonLas TOWUK We with Dem13n do this extension at the same time. I talk with him in Flarum community forum). And i posted this extension here, because not only russians people use vk and this forum - primary for flarum, russians search extensions here too.
TOWUK clarkwinkelmann haha, vk - russian social platform ,I do not think that English-speaking people will sit in the Russian community, have not seen a foreigner in this social network (VK)
TOWUK clarkwinkelmann , I laugh with the fact that 2 Russians ( @NikoVonLas and @Lolu ) here write in English)
jordanjay29 TOWUK Be that as it may, our community guidelines are there to make this site easier and consistent for everyone. Please do follow them by at least providing an English translation of what you say for each post.
clarkwinkelmann Dusty it would be helpful to specify which version of Flarum and the extension you are having trouble with. Based on the replies above, I'm assuming it's not compatible with the latest Flarum release(s).
[deleted] Dusty You should only take extensions from as these are certified as functional with Beta 15