AmaniJoseph I really don't know the use of this, is this send a push notification when someone replies to your thread..? if yes why I don't see anything I subscriber to my phone but I don't get any notification I config all the keys but I don't get any notification. my forum run-in subdomain like
chrisonline AmaniJoseph Yes this is for push notification if someone replyies to a thread or all other notifications. Did you check the OneSignal website? Do you see one subscriber?
chrisonline AmaniJoseph No need to change anything. The subdomain part is only if you use a onesignal subdomain as far as I know. So leave the "Onesignal subdomain" empty on your extension setting.
AmaniJoseph Thanks let me regs new app on one signal I see total user but subscribe is 0 why is this..? Can anyone help me please Is anyone use this and it works..?
NikoVonLas AmaniJoseph Hello. Maybe users just unsubscribe or block push messaging from site, this is normal. Just try to resubscribe you browser to push messages.
AmaniJoseph No that is me I subscribe to my self in 4 different browsers but even user subscribe too but the subscriber number is still 0, is this because of the settings key, but I saw it ask if I allow the notification if the key was wrong I will never receive the ask panel
chrisonline AmaniJoseph Disable the permission in the browser and you will be asked again. But before, if you use Chrome, tap F12 and open the Developer Panel. Now you see any error messages or other infos.
AmaniJoseph chrisonline I found this issue on chrome - [Service Worker Installation] Installing service worker failed TypeError: Failed to register a ServiceWorker: A bad HTTP response code (404) was received when fetching the script. it seems the service worker returns 404 on requests '' what can i do..?
AmaniJoseph I fix this issue but the problem is now I receive a notification only when someone like the post when they reply i don't see nay notification
NikoVonLas AmaniJoseph post your notification setting in profile please. Are you subscribed to discussion where someone posts? Also try to install my extension have integration with it.
AmaniJoseph NikoVonLas This will notify me using one signal when someone starts a new discussion..? And thanks guys @chrisonline I fix this issue by uploading the OneSignalSDKWorker.js files on the root of my forum.
NikoVonLas AmaniJoseph Yep, if you subscribe to tag. Thats extension add standart notifications. My extension send it thru onesignal. I fix this issue by uploading the OneSignalSDKWorker.js files on the root of my forum. This instrusctions be in configuration section in and first message here, please carefuly read docs 🙂
CNMathon NikoVonLas Well, I need a feature which can push the message to my users' devices. I have been tried your extensions, but I doesn't work. The message cannot send to the device, Even the welcome message can't. How should I do?