@Kyrne We have a huge problem with the extension. Let me explain the running environment.
We are serving flarum with nginx + php-fpm 7.2.11 + MariaDb 10.3.17. All of them running in the same host. The host have 20 cpu core, 128gb ram and enough disk space/transfer speed etc. Our main issue is handling the concurrent request. Sometimes we reach 1.5k users online in the forum. Our forum has more than 8 Million discussions.
I can resolve these type of errors above but the system speed getting worse while using plugin. I cant see any problem in the operation of plugin. When it comes to check redis, It also works well with a single instance. After several minutes activating the recache, I can see 10k keys in the redis with about 900 online users.
Here is the average response times:
With recache > 10-12s
Without recache > 4-6s
Do you have any recommendations about this situation?