adasiek Hi, I am trying to install flarum and getting error: [Symfony\Component\Process\Exception\RuntimeException] The Process class relies on proc_open, which is not available on your PHP installation. Should I contact my hosting provider or this is something I can change myself?
HavocK adasiek Does the PHP version is above 5.5 (i think i read somewhere mentionning that it has to be above 5.5.9) ? Might not solve your problem but it's a start.
adasiek Default is lower, but I am running composer with php56 command: $ php56 --version PHP 5.6.16 (cli) (built: Dec 4 2015 00:19:55)
luceos proc_open is actually very old; I can imagine it being disabled on shared environments. I suggest contacting your hosting provider for advice.
adasiek Yes, but the error wasn't in flarum/core but in flarum/akismet. Is there any way I could install without it or something?
luceos adasiek Remove the flarum/flarum-ext-akismet dependency line under require in your composer.json.
adasiek And what then? Directory needs to be empty to install. Should I call composer update or something?
luceos hm sorry that won't work, what you could do is: composer install flarum/flarum -s beta --no-install <directory> Then remove the line from the composer file and run: composer install -s beta
adasiek It was actually composer create-project flarum/flarum . --no-install --stability=beta and composer install thank you anyway ?