jordanjay29 This is a good discussion. I thought the same thing. And so I’m still on the fence. I mean, I could just create a sister version of this extension. Then whoever wants a traditional looking hashtag they can try this, and then if you want to post more blog style tags (which typically allow spaces) you could use the other extension.
I agree with both sides of the argument. It depends on what you like. Do you want Twitter/Facebook/Instagram style (which technically this extention doesn’t fully do), or do you want something more like blog tags.
I think that’s what I’ll do. Sometime soon, I’ll create a separate extension which will be more like the style of a WordPress tag.
Great stuff. These debates make forums great!
Question for those who want this slightly different version: Do you still want to use the hash (#)? Or, should there be a different identifier. Or, should it simply be BBcode? Like: [t]Language Packs[/t]. T would stand for either “tag” or “terms.” That would convert to a link which searches “Language Packs.” I’m leaning towards BBcode because, then it wouldn’t conflict with this hashtag extension. So you could have both installed and use whichever one fits the situation!
If you agree with going the BBcode route, could I just add it to my existing BBBBcode extension? Or, do you not like all of the BBcode in that extension and would prefer a completely separate one?
@Pollux @[deleted]