datitisev We haven't added OAuth to the demos. Those extensions were most likely enabled by someone when they were playing around with the demo.
I was refering to this site, not demo. https://discuss.flarum.org/d/21101-demos-come-to-flarum/40 i was stuck logining with github here.
datitisev This is a bug caused by fof/sentry, which is installed in our forums to report front-end and back-end errors that users find. It will get stuck if you enter invalid details that do not sign you up or log you in successfully.
Thank you for your prompt responses.!!! So on simple forum install it will work flawlessly?
//additional question. Is there a way to write responses in visual editing style right away? without seeing bold text as dots
and i am following this thread. Why didn't i get an email notification?