Hello! I forked the "flarum-markdown" extension, as I realized it lacks of "underline", "strikethrough" and "center" options, and you need to apply them manually.

Added options are marked with green color.
It took just some copies and pastes, but I hope it will spare some of you unecessary trouble. 😀
Fork also contains locale files, so you don't need to worry about missing translations when using Flarum in English or Polish.
To download, use the command:
composer require veriael/markdown
Then you need to disable Markdown extension and enable fork named "Markdown+".
What if you're using other languages?
Well, I don't think that the fork will be updated frequently, so you can just rename "en.yml" to yourlanguagecode.yml and translate the lines.
I was educated that those are not Markdown options, so they shouldn't be in this extension. I mean... Whatever. 😅 It's just a fork.