[deleted] Ralkage Honestly, just make something totally simple. Dark mode should be only enabled when you select it to be enabled.
teletubbie Ralkage I think you can place on admin panel the option to set the default mode for guests: day mode or night mode. AND It is necessary a switch button for the guest to know there is day and night mode. For instance, if the default is night mode, so the toggle option must say "day mode" https://prnt.sc/snua69
DursunCan FriendsOfFlarum Sometimes the night mode is on for those who do not login while the extension is active. how can i fix this?
Ralkage DursunCan a fix and some new feautres will be available soon and as always, we'll post any updates we have in this discussion 🙂
MartinJD is it possible to have you forum logo change between day and night mode, depending on which mode is selected? So you can have two logos so they match the background colour of the site, otherwise it would look a bit naff.
[deleted] MartinJD yes, you could do this with CSS as I do currently. As a workaround, I use an SVG for the logo.
[deleted] MartinJD yes, and also a PNG will support transparency. The SVG format is better though as it's designed to scale without loss of quality or image degradation.
[deleted] Is there anyone else that could fix this? Its all thats left before release 🙁 Sorry for being so pushy.
IanM [deleted] Is there anyone else that could fix this? I believe this is addressed in @davwheat 's current PR - FriendsOfFlarum/nightmode33
Ralkage [deleted] [deleted] apologies for the delay! I will be reviewing this PR later today and will merge it if everything checks out 🙂
[deleted] @IanM @Ralkage I too would very much like to see this commit pulled. There are a number of issues and it looks as though most of them are solved here.
[deleted] Ralkage phenomlab lukasdeveloper apologies for the delay! I will be reviewing this PR later today and will merge it if everything checks out Any update here please ?