TB54 Oh ok, I already heavily changed the forum css but I didn't saw the (@config-dark-mode =true) mode. That's good, I will work on it, thanks!
You can't use that in vanilla CSS. Ideally they would tag the light or dark mode onto the body element, but at present they don't - so there's no way in vanilla CSS (without the use of Javascript) to determine which setting the user has enabled.
I can make a feature request on github - the idea would be you add a custom class to the body like this:
<body class="no-touch fof-nightmode-light" ...>
<body class="no-touch fof-nightmode-dark" ...>
<body class="no-touch fof-nightmode-dynamic" ...>
Then you'd be able to select as usual using vanilla CSS:
@media(prefers-color-scheme: light){
.fof-nightmode-dynamic a {
color: navy;
body.fof-nightmode-light a {
color: navy;
@media(prefers-color-scheme: dark){
.fof-nightmode-dynamic a {
color: blue;
body.fof-nightmode-dark a {
color: blue;
Nope you can't, not in vanilla CSS. That's pre-compiled LESS and you need access to extend.php to do it that way.