datitisev 0.1.2 Doesn't fix error from darkfox, that might be caused by a long prefix...? as the column names are max 12 chars. 0.1.1 Fix extension never actually retrieving data from services I have no idea how this happened 0.1.2 Don't pass arrays to a string column 0.1.2 Make arguments in service response optional to avoid PHP issues Updating composer update fof/geoip
datitisev maicol07 Thanks, I'll look into it. 0.1.2 also doesn't seem to have fully fixed the bugs thrown when retrieving ips from services, so I'll have to rewrite that system a tad bit.
datitisev 0.1.5 0.1.3 Fix IE issues 0.1.4 Fix problems with model relationships causing errors they are still caused, but way less often 😕 Add some error handling, don't attempt to retrieve info until 1hr passes Only added to IPStack (untested except for invalid API key) and IPData (tested with quota limit reached) Error can be seen in admin settings modal with timestamp of when it occurred if <1hr, hasn't tried again Possibly fix maicol07 Updating composer update fof/geoip
Nimren I made the following changes i config file: 'charset' => 'utf8mb4', 'collation' => 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci', to 'charset' => 'utf8', 'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci', and now it works ok!
tankerkiller125 Nimren This is not a fully recommended suggestion as it will break support for some Unicode such as emoji and flag codes.
Nimren tankerkiller125 I only did this to install extension, after that I went back to the default 😀
clarkwinkelmann Littlegolden FriendsOfFlarum does not provide translations other than English. You should report this to the maintainer of the language pack you are using. Unless it also happens in English ?
datitisev 0.1.7 0.1.7 Don't show service description if no service is selected (Littlegolden) Fix IPApi (https://ip-api.com) issue with zip not existing in the response (Littlegolden) Add yet another check to prevent attempting to save a duplicate entry in the DB (Littlegolden) Add Guzzle to composer.json in case no other extensions require it (FriendsOfFlarum/geoip2) Fix the threat level not being shown at all in the frontend Fix fof/ban-ips modal not containing threat level color Make the post meta wider so the IP doesn't go into a new line as much Updating composer update fof/geoip php flarum cache:clear
datitisev Littlegolden Ah, I see the issue. No service is chosen, therefore the description is for a nonexistent service instead of being hidden. Thanks for the report!
datitisev Littlegolden it means that merging and reordering post numbers failed - it's a known issue and one hard to tackle, but we may have a solution for it soon.
Littlegolden matteocontrini So this is not a problem with the geoip extension? I saw that the ip in the error message so I was thought it is related to geoip. . .
datitisev matteocontrini Littlegolden Oh wow, I instantly assumed it was a merge discussions error, apologies. Uh, this sometimes happens because reasons and I need to fix it - make sure you are updated to the latest version tho, some instances of the error were solved already I think.
Littlegolden Version -> fof-geoip/v0.1.5 When posting, the bottom left corner will prompt an error, but the post has already been posted.