if I install flarum beta version and I make it online and if someday flarum has released an stable version, can I move the database from beta online to stable version?

In a release cycle beta comes after alpha and after beta comes the release candidate and after that stable. So I'm very confused about this question.

Having said that, we do provide an easy upgrade path already. However third party extensions sometimes aren't compatible anymore making an upgrade harder.

If you can be more specific, I can be as well.

oh im sorry, i mean stable version, not alfa version..
so, if I install flarum beta version and I make it online and if someday flarum has released a stable version, can I move the database from beta online to stable version?
Especially database of member and discussion.

    DeCuya even though there should be no issue at all upgrading to the latest version, we'll provide clear upgrade instructions.

    You also have to keep in mind that some extensions might be made compatible to this latest version later or not at all, so rely on those that you can expect to be actively maintained.

    And one more thing, being beta software means you might need to dive into your database to do manual fixes, this is a generic warning that only occasionally has been required of webmasters in very specific, isolated situations.

    luceos removed the tags .

    the most important thing for me is that when the stable version is released, I can export the member database and discuss the beta version and import it to the stable version, anything other than those 2 things is not a problem.

      DeCuya The stable version will just be a new version number built based on beta. This means that the current methods of upgrading forums will continue to work just fine. Exporting and importing users/discussions will be unnecessary. You will be able to simply run a composer update task and flarum will update any databases it needs to update. Backing up your database and forum before an upgrade is always recommended but you should not need to do any additional work overall to upgrade to stable.