jordanjay29 CNMathon The data structure of the DB needs to change, yes, but that is facilitated by Step 13, particularly php flarum migrate. Installing Beta 7 will not aid you here as you expect.
CNMathon jordanjay29 let me confirm. Is it that when I run php flarum migrate, will the program automatically update the data structure to be compatible with the new version?
CNMathon I need to modify my domain name of my forum, I have tried the following but the link still points to the old domain name: modify config.php run php flarum cache:clear so, how should I do?
jordanjay29 CNMathon Let's solve this here instead of in a new discussion. What is this link? Where do you find it? All internal Flarum links should follow config.php, but if they are in posts themselves then you'd have to edit the posts.
CNMathon jordanjay29 OK! PS: old domain name: new domain name: Obviously it has not been updated.
jordanjay29 CNMathon Did you follow Steps 16 and 17 in the list I posted above? Can you paste the code of your config.php file here? (Obscure the database user/pass)
CNMathon jordanjay29 sorry... I did not move the file, this time the program can run normally (on I then modified config.php and cleaned up the cache. And this is my config.php
jordanjay29 CNMathon Do you use Cloudflare or another external caching? Make sure that cache is emptied as well.
CNMathon jordanjay29 I think it should not be caused by it. I just tried it again according to the above steps. It succeeded, it was amazing!