SteveXu200512 I was able to see what you're talking about. I may come up with a fix in the future, but for right now, you can use your browser's dev console to find out what the CSS class name is for the icon, and then with positioning rules move it by adding CSS to your appearance page's custom CSS box. This might be the right rule to target, I can't test it right now: .Announce--Show.fas.fa-bullhorn.false
A final thing you could try until I can get around to troubleshooting this is manually edit the extension's less/css file (located in: vendor/zerosonesfun/announce/resources/less/forum.less). Tweak that until everything is positioned the way you want it.
Alshain I'm struggling to see the value in this. It's just as fast, if not faster, to turn the extension off when you don't need it. Also, this way the extra HTML, CSS, and JS is not being loaded when it's not in use. I know there's no noticeable performance gain/loss but it seems better that it is deactivated, and the code isn't loading at all, when you don't need it.
But, I never say never when folks give me suggestions/feedback. In other words, one day when I have time and I'm feeling like enhancing this extension, I may do this. Thanks!