maicol07 , thanks for answer, yes I didn't update config.php (return (object)
was missing).
But I have another problem ! ☹️
The function file_get_content() always returns :
You don't have permission to access /api/token on this server.
Here is the header :
array(1) { ["http"]=> array(4) { ["header"]=> string(71) "Authorization: Token myToken; userId=1" ["method"]=> string(4) "POST" ["content"]=> string(91) "password=f3ccb2b2c2f17dcdfa849cd7e33d50371ad3d98e3d939311e21de9211ed9bc2e&lifetime=31536000" ["ignore_errors"]=> bool(true) } }
However, the api key is the same in the database, do you know why it doesn't work ?