maicol07 thank you! yes I did that, but guess I did some damage when chatGPT had me delete files manually. they all had the file name in it, so it seemed ok to do. so, I'm not sure why my forum isn't working still. The login page flickers for a second and then goes to an error/undefined page. in the debug section it seems to say that it can't find the proper route, but I'm not exactly sure how to fix it. here's the code for the error in case it's useful. I'm a pretty new to this... so thank you so much for responding already
public function process(Request $request, Handler $handler): Response
$method = $request->getMethod();
$uri = $request->getUri()->getPath() ?: '/';
$routeInfo = $this->getDispatcher()->dispatch($method, $uri);
switch ($routeInfo[0]) {
case Dispatcher::NOT_FOUND:
throw new RouteNotFoundException($uri);
case Dispatcher::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
throw new MethodNotAllowedException($method);
$request = $request
->withAttribute('routeName', $routeInfo[1]['name'])
->withAttribute('routeHandler', $routeInfo[1]['handler'])
->withAttribute('routeParameters', $routeInfo[2]);
return $handler->handle($request);
protected function getDispatcher()
if (! isset($this->dispatcher)) {
$this->dispatcher = new Dispatcher\GroupCountBased($this->routes->getRouteData());
return $this->dispatcher;