m4v3rick ernestdefoe Iām glad it seems to be working correctly for you. Thanks but it is just test environment yet and only redis queue. luceos Go into your admin area settings for realtime, underneath "Interval to automatically push new discussion activity" set it to 30. You can also disable that completely and push all updates to the client immediately by disabling the toggle above that input field. Or are you using pusher? I just installed redis yet. No pusher no realtime. There is no admin panel for redis?!
luceos m4v3rick I misread your post I think. So all tasks in the queue are delayed by 60 seconds? How did you set up the queue worker command, using a cronjob or as a daemon?
m4v3rick luceos With Supervisor. Edit: I found the error. My conf file didn't save but there was no error. Now it is just a few seconds. And seems to work fine. But ernestdefoe command=/usr/bin/php flarum queue:work directory=/var/www/path to flarum That helped a lot. Thanks @ernestdefoe . Just found out that this m4v3rick command=/var/www/flarum php flarum queue:work doesn't work at all.
ernestdefoe @m4v3rick I was just using what I saw in other config files. Not sure why anything is in there I'm an idiot when it comes to this stuff but and I am doing my best to figure it out.
m4v3rick ernestdefoe I am doing my best to figure it out. If it works, then you are doing everything right. š I just installed the redis queue on production. Let's see how that goes. Still want to seperate a discussion into several parts to speed up the loading time but don't know how.
GreXXL ZEROPOINTBRUH can you please follow out troubleshooting guide. We will need you php flarum info output and the error within the logfile located in storage/logs.
luceos forever should allow access from any host that has access to the redis host. If connections still fail then either the host that runs Flarum is not on the same host as redis, or the host that runs Flarum has no access to the host that runs redis.
datitisev forever Is the error in storage/logs the same as the one you sent a screenshot of earlier (the inability to connect to redis)?