fakruzaruret I can't update outdated packages by composer require command. I could not updated font awesome too.
luceos fakruzaruret updating extensions can be done using composer update nothing else. But this update might be blocked by one of your extensions or packages. What extension would you like to update and what is the output of php flarum info?
fakruzaruret luceos PHP version 7.3.12 and composer update just updating composer.lock file. I could not install last versions of them from lock file.
luceos fakruzaruret all I see is that you are running the latest Flarum beta 10, which extensions would you have expected to have upgraded? From what I can see everything did upgrade all right 👍️
fakruzaruret luceos I dont know exactly. But I see outdated packages when I use composer show -lo command. İs it okey?
luceos fakruzaruret those outdated packages can be dependencies of depencies. As long as Flarum and the extensions are up to date, everything is okay.