I'm considering pushing a script for people branching out of shared-hosting that don't want to put the efforts into learning the ropes of how to go about configuring their VPS to be properly secured and ready for a production getup.
If there's any interest I'll make a new repo and cook something up. Feel free to add to this list in a post, I'll edit this OP.
Off the bat, what I'd like to create is a script for ubuntu/debian distributions that offers:
- Fail2ban
- Automatic security updates
- Weekly update/upgrade (no dist-upgrade)
- Monthly reboot for all updates to take effect
- Enable UFW with general sane policy (ports 22, 80, 443 open, all else closed by default)
Suggestions are welcome.
It would be nice to add an SSH key, new user acct, disable password login, disable root login. Problem with this is user must be aware of how to store their key, and utilize it properly.
I made the script:
You can run it with this 1liner:
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/webeindustry/1stAction/master/runme.sh | sh