Something else I can report to you is that QA finished all scenarios yesterday. Even though the QA team had to take a hit due to personal circumstances for two people, they did an amazing job to assert our base level of quality for the release. If you're interested in helping Flarum as a tester, please reach out to @jordanjay29 or @katos on (Discord) chat.

With the fix mentioned above we're positive about our release window. With this in mind I can confidently announce v0.1.0 beta 12 will be released next week, stay tuned.

    • [deleted]

    luceos With the fix mentioned above we're positive about our release window. With this in mind I can confidently announce v0.1.0 beta 12 will be released next week, stay tuned.

    😁 😄

    luceos FYI just signed up and registration email went to spam, I use Mailjet and haven't had any delivery issues. Just a recommendation. 🙂

    P.S Very excited for Beta 12! Awesome job! 10/10 will donate.

      luceos I see, thanks. And I guess that choosing another service is a matter of having the budget to do so?

      Discussions that are sticked, not locked and read are still on the top of all discussions. Is this something that was always there? Or is it coming with beta.12? Or is this a bug?

      The first discussion shows "replied 4 hrs ago", but the second shows "replied few seconds ago"

      Edit: It's fixed now... Idk what happened.

        therealsujitk When I am not logged in, they are pinned, and when I log in, they are not pinned (this is a feature of flarum).
        Are you saying that it is also pinned after landing?

          It looks it was just a lucky coincidence where those two pinned discussions were also the last two discussions that received replies at the time of the screenshot.

            clarkwinkelmann If you look at the screenshot, the second and the third discussion (and everything after) has a later reply than the first. Again this could just be an issue from my end. I refreshed the page and still got the error, but after a while when I reopened my browser it behaved like it should.