We've just completed our Beta 12 pre-release meeting. This meeting marks the beginning of QA and means we're exactly on target to deliver beta 12 in early March.

In addition to the usual topics, we also had a few heated discussions about slightly reducing our responsibilities, the planned frontend refactor and deciding on our path to stable.

These are exciting times, not just for the team, but also for our community. Thanks for sticking around and supporting our development!

    Thanks for the update! The transparency is highly appreciated!

    Inventer89 In terms of beta.12 release is on target for march. In terms of "stable" there is no set date or even ballpark month.

    6 days later

    In preparation of the beta 12 release I just deployed nightly (dev-master) to discuss. The downtime was caused by two incompatible extensions: fof/open-collective and fof/github-sponsors, which I disabled for now.

    askvortsov FF73

    Now I can like and edit. I was not able to edit my post at that time.

    luceos Also, on the mobile site, when you go to any discussion and scroll to the very bottom. It shows the incorrect post number. For example, instead of showing 77 of 77 posts it shows 67 of 77 posts.