I think @baazzilhassan is pointing out hashtags such as converting #imonfire into #imonfire where trending
could be the endpoint of user created tags or trends.
This feature could really help get socializing and trending right into the flow.
On my company community forum it has happened to me or our staff to write something like #linux in the post and then find out, "oh it doesn't work like that".
The endpoint/URL can be something like:
Also it worth to note, using hashtags can easily lead to spamming as well.
For example where a use uses lots of unrelated or even related but overused hashtags to get the post in the eyes of search system(s) or even other user.
However, the issue of spamming can be more controlled by limited the allowed number of hashtags, for instance not more than 13 hashtags can be rendered. So, for instance if user used more hashtags than allowed numbers, then the remaining will be rendered without linking to hashtag endpoint.