I reverted back to the previous version. Instantly it works at my forum. I'm going to stick with that version since my forum seems to like it better for some reason.
@jordanjay29 I think this can stay marked as an "extension." In the end, it shouldn't matter how an extension is done, as long as it works for many people, and doesn't have a huge security issue. In the replies above there was talk about maybe marking this as "dev" instead of as an "extension," because the current version wasn't done in the "Flarum way." And so there aren't things like translation support. But, with other CMS extensions/plugins, not all have translation support (thinking about WordPress as one example).
I've tested this on a laptop and on my iPhone in three different browsers and it works. Will it not work in some browsers? Maybe. Will it work for every single Flarum installation scenario? Maybe not, I'm actually not sure. But, so far, with a standard installation, it works for me.