Tested on most recent versions of Firefox & Chrome with success.


    I reverted back to the previous version. Instantly it works at my forum. I'm going to stick with that version since my forum seems to like it better for some reason.

    @jordanjay29 I think this can stay marked as an "extension." In the end, it shouldn't matter how an extension is done, as long as it works for many people, and doesn't have a huge security issue. In the replies above there was talk about maybe marking this as "dev" instead of as an "extension," because the current version wasn't done in the "Flarum way." And so there aren't things like translation support. But, with other CMS extensions/plugins, not all have translation support (thinking about WordPress as one example).

    I've tested this on a laptop and on my iPhone in three different browsers and it works. Will it not work in some browsers? Maybe. Will it work for every single Flarum installation scenario? Maybe not, I'm actually not sure. But, so far, with a standard installation, it works for me.

      20 days later

      Maybe after enabling FancyBox + automatic recognition of image links, maybe Link Decisions extension should not detect these image links because it will conflict with the image preview window of FancyBox.


      010101 Kylo The major qualifications for being in the Extensions tag are being compatible/working on the current version of Flarum, and that the author considers it ready for release. There's no requirements for certain coding/interface styles or translation support for general extensions, though we'd certainly love to see all extensions provide consistency, some devs simply offer their extensions as-is. There are no rules or conventions being violated here.

      We'll leave it up to the community to determine if they wish to endorse or install this extension at their own convenience.

      12 days later

      010101 I think maybe Discuss should create a new sub-tag under Extensions called Abandoned telling other developers that this extension is available for forking.

        therealsujitk That's more of a discussion for the Meta tag. Though, it seems more uncommon for an (unpaid) extension to be closed licensed and unavailable to be forked regardless.

          jordanjay29 Still, it could also be useful for people to know that the extension is abandoned and won't be receiving future updates before installing it. Maybe the abandoned tag can lock the discussion?

          3 months later

          How can I use this extension on a Free Flarum forum?

            9 days later
            9 days later

            This extension is incompatible and no longer supported or available (unless someone has a fork out there). Mods, please tag this as such. 🙂

              010101 🙁 I am sad. Could you share github link? I is inspiring for deveoping new extensions.