I'm back with another experimental service for Flarum.
This tool lets you query through a large amount of data on all Flarum extensions.

What is the purpose
- Get cool statistics about the Flarum ecosystem.
- Find which extensions depend on each other or translate each other.
- Find extensions that use deprecated code.
- And pretty much anything you want.
Things to know
- Database is MySQL. Use any valid SQL. The user has SELECT permissions on the database only.
- For performance reasons results are limited to 100 rows under most circumstances.
- Data is updated twice per day.
- Data is pulled from Packagist. ZIPs are downloaded from GitHub for each release. For now only packages whose dist files are available on GitHub are parsed for details.
- Source usage, javascript imports and PHP imports are experimental. Not all imports are detected at the moment.
- Each table has a column for
and version
. The latest version of each extension is duplicated with a second copy using version
= latest
. Most queries will probably use a where version = 'latest'
clause unless you want to query historical data.
- Don't run queries that are likely to impact the server performance.
- Don't use automated tools to access the data.
- I reserve the right to delete any saved query with inappropriate title or comments
- Please reach out to me privately if you find security issues.
All requests performed are logged.
It's all about sharing great requests ! If you find interesting data, please post a link below !
Queries saved with "public" option might show up on the homepage in the future. Queries saved without "public" can only be seen by people with the link.
I might add user profiles in the future so you can manage your saved queries.
Translations in unexpected namespaces
Routes defined by multiple extensions
Most popular licenses
Extensions not allowing beta 12
FoF packages using Zend classes (must be migrated to Laminas before beta 13!)
Language packs with most translated extensions
Possible improvements
I will try to improve the javascript and PHP namespace recognition. I might bring in some library designed for that. It's all regex-based at the moment.
There's currently no way of telling forks aside from normal extensions, so it can mess up some stats about invalid namespaces and such as it's expected that forks will break those rules. Forks are usually not allowed on Packagist, but here we are...
There's also no easy way of telling which extensions are actually maintained or compatible with a given Flarum version. Your best bet at the moment is to compare the requirement constraints or release date to limit to extensions updated recently.
I plan to add a page listing curated requests, and another page listing the most recent public saved queries.
Let me know if you have any suggestions !