danielunited The strangest thing just happened... One of the admins in my community went to delete the cover photo and his user got deleted. Is that even possible?
SychO danielunited that is impossible, whatever happened must not have been triggered by the extension, the extension just deletes the image file and sets the user's cover to null before the user model gets saved. I don't see how that could've somehow ended up deleting the user instead.
danielunited SychO I thought so. But on the other hand, no way he could've deleted his own user (Admins can't do that), and he didn't even get a confirmation prompt if he's sure he wants to delete his user. It immediately threw him out (and deleted his user). I'm not sure what caused it yet, just thought I'd mention it.
SychO danielunited that's certainly weird, are you sure the user was deleted ? does the user's data no longer exist in the users table ?
SychO 🔔 v1.2.0 Released ⬆️ Now compatible with Flarum v0.1.0-beta.14 only 🔑 Adds a setProfileCover permission. ❌ Removes the cover images size calculations (too inconsistent and ended with wrong values in certain cases) 🐞 Fixes a bug with the create thumbnails checkbox Updating $ composer update sycho/flarum-profile-cover
SychO [deleted] I'll publish that one soon, just gotta make some tweaks to it, but it's as the name suggests, a log for different kinds of admin/moderation actions taken in the forum. It's a very simple one though (for now).
Amarok hello, I can't uplaod .JPG images to the cover in beta-15 it's seams to be something like this profil problem for the message i tried to upload an .jpg image to my profil photo, and it work sorry for my bad english :S in CoverValidator.php I add 'jpg' and works 😉
SychO Amarok Hello, thank you for the report! Yes it seems like this was affected by the same change in symfony/mime, I'll take a look at this and push a fix soon.
Scolasticus SychO I tried it lokally, works perfectly with the the CoverValidator fix. I created a PR for your convenience (SychO9/flarum-profile-cover23).
Gatsu Hi @SychO, I'm having a problem with your extension. Users can delete my cover and that of others. They are simple users, but I have created user groups via the Register role extension, I don't know if it can hit something. https://discuss.flarum.org/d/24500-registration-roles These are screen: https://i.imgur.com/59BPyVY_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium https://i.imgur.com/KKvTE0j_d.webp?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium
SychO Gatsu Thank you very much for reporting this! I just investigated the code, and found where I made a mistake when I added beta 15 compatibility. Sorry about that. I just tagged a new v1.2.3 release that fixes the issue. Just run the following command: composer update sycho/flarum-profile-cover