Portuguese Language Pack (pt-PT)
A long time coming but here it is. This is based on the old abandoned Portuguese form Portugal language pack from lcbcruz (link here). That language pack gives errors and has been abandoned since before I joined on beta 7 so I corrected the error updated it and added a lot more translations and extensions support.
Current version is - v1.2.0 (updated 23/04/2020)
This language pack was tested with the flarum 0.1.0-beta.12 but should work with most versions.
Extensions translated
Known Issues
Some translations are not complete
There are always extensions missing translation
Some translations are from abandoned extensions so they might be deleted in the future
It is recommended to install via composer:
composer require bertaveira/flarum-pt-pt
composer update bertaveira/flarum-pt-pt
php flarum cache:clear
I tried to translate as much as possible and as many extensions as possible. Some extensions are incomplete and have text in English because it was either impossible for me to find a good translation or I didn't had the patience to do so at this moment.
It is also highly likely that there are some spelling mistake. You can help out!!! Either suggest what I should translate or even better fell free to add translations to the GitHub and make a pull request. If you do this I'll review and test your translations and add them so everyone can use it.