[deleted] Amarok try composer require askvortsov/flarum-discussion-templates:0.2.1 as this is for beta 14
askvortsov theportablegeek You need to ensure that this extension is booted after tags. Since your admin dashboard is most likely currently broken, you'll want to go into your database and remove this extension from your "enabled extensions" list.
TOWUK askvortsov and you can do this for each discussion, but also in the settings you can do it for the entire tag, it would be great!
askvortsov TOWUK but also in the settings you can do it for the entire tag, it would be great! Looking into this now. What would be the use case for per-tag reply templates?
TOWUK askvortsov I agree to any option, but for example, I created a discussion and I want to be answered according to the template so that everything is clear and understandable who and what wrote in this thread on the forum
Darkle askvortsov I am still using 0.4.0 it does not allow me to save empty reply templates, is this fixed in the new version?
askvortsov v0.6.0 Update for beta 16 Add setting in admin for templates to be appended when the tag is changed.
tipako Very cool - thanks for adding that feature request so quickly @askvortsov! I updated Flarum to v0.1.0-beta.16 but this plugin won't update. I used composer update askvortsov/flarum-discussion-templates but I get Nothing to install, update or remove
tipako askvortsov worked - thanks for the quick reply! Is this recommended for all extensions? They all have the version specified as X.X.X Or is this a temporary bug that will be fixed in upcoming Flarum versions? Of course I would want to keep my extensions up-to-date
askvortsov tipako Generally speaking, if an extension has set up versión constrains properly, you should be able to use an asterisk for its version without much issue.
tipako askvortsov I am just confused why I have to do manual adjustments because in your first post of this discussion you write updating would work with the composer update command. Now that I look closer into the composer.json file I also find other extensions (like fof/upload) that are not updated with composer update.